Postmortem -
Read details
Mar 28, 16:38 UTC
Resolved -
The issue has been resolved.
A post mortem will be provided in the near future post investigations.
Mar 27, 09:47 UTC
Identified -
We believe the underlying issue has now been identified.
Our teams and vendor support are continuing to investigate and address the underlying fault.
Further updates will be provided.
Mar 27, 09:17 UTC
Update -
We believe have identified the underlying issue.
Alongside our vendor support, we are continuing to work to identify the cause.
Further updates will be provided.
Mar 27, 07:13 UTC
Update -
Our team are continuing to investigate the underlying cause.
Further updates will be provided
Mar 27, 05:16 UTC
Investigating -
We are aware of, and currently investigating an issue affecting location STL, limited to compute POD02.
Further updates will be provided
Mar 27, 04:18 UTC