Completed -
MySQL6 has been migrated to an updated server and the database version has been upgraded to MariaDB 10.6
Jan 18, 02:30 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 18, 00:00 UTC
Scheduled -
MySQL6 will be undergoing maintenance at 6PM CST on 1/17/2025.
The purpose of the maintenance is to migrate to a new server and upgrade the database version to MariaDB 10.6. This will not only improve performance and security of the server, but also allow the server to run a more modern and currently supported database version.
During the maintenance time, databases will be set to read only to prevent any issues and ensure all data can be properly migrated to the new server.
Jan 17, 22:45 UTC
Completed -
We have encountered technical difficulties during the migration to MariaDB 10.6 and have reverted all changes.
All MySQL6 databases are up and operational at this time.
This will be re-scheduled for a different date.
Jan 17, 02:43 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 17, 00:00 UTC
Scheduled -
MySQL6 will be undergoing maintenance at 6PM CST on 1/16/2025.
The purpose of the maintenance is to migrate to a new server and upgrade the database version to MariaDB 10.6. This will not only improve performance and security of the server, but also allow the server to run a more modern and currently supported database version.
During the maintenance time, databases will be set to read only to prevent any issues and ensure all data can be properly migrated to the new server.
Jan 16, 19:53 UTC